Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Confession

When I start dating a guy, just call him Moody anyway, I thought I like him as someone special. As the time went fast, I realized my feeling was not that deep enough to be his special. When he decided to break up our relationship, I was sad, I cried, I was angry. Why? It hurt my pride actually. However, it didn’t take a long time for me to start a conversation again with him. At that time, I thought why I could talk to him easily while I cannot this easy with Jei. After we broke up, as months passed, I realized once again that I should thank him for letting me go. If I was still with him, it would hurt both of us. See. I wonder whether I ever love him once.

Relationship will not last forever when we force each other to be together. I can’t make him happy. He will hurt my feeling. Then why we should be together when we can’t be happy? And he is a silent type guy. He didn’t tell me what wrong is and where. It will lead us miscommunication and hurt us deeply again.

Now, I like him still. But in different form. I like him as a friend. I move on and he should also move on. I believe he will.

Psy - Gangnam Style MV

I post this vid because this song will be my material of examination. My Korean teacher asked friends and I to sing this song next week. I like the beat and music of the song. Can I sing this?

As bloom as.....

My heart tonight is  as bloom as this picture. Only the tiny part is brighter. ^^

Yang Masih dibawah Umur

Yang Masih dibawah Umur - Jalanan itu bahaya lho!!

Please deh, bapak-bapak ngajarin anaknya yang masih dibawah umur naik motor??

Miris aku ngeliat pemandangan ini. Kok ada ya bapak yang tega ngajarin anaknya naik motor. Ya jelas tega lah, anaknya masih kecil, kakinya aja gak nyampe tanah, belum pantas bawa-bawa motor.
Makanya, zaman sekarang banyak banget terjadi kecelakaan terutama anak-anak dibawah umur. Anak-anak dibawah usia 17 tahun itu masih labil, mereka belum tau apa itu takut. Mereka cenderung bawa motor itu ngebut, ugal-ugalan, gak patuh aturan, SIM? Boro-boro.

Terus kalau terjadi kecelakaan, siapa yang harus disalahkan? Lucu bangsa ini. Apa kalau anak naik motor itu udah hebat? (Apanya yang hebat, nilai sekolahan anjlok). Apa kalau anak naik motor, si bapak udah keliatan mentereng gitu?

Jalanan itu milik umum. Menjaga ketertiban itu kewajiban semua pengguna jalan. Kalau terjadi kecelakaan, bukan hanya si anak yang jadi korban tapi juga orang lain.
Jadi sodara-sodara sebangsa dan setanah air, anak yang masih dibawah umur itu jangan diajarkan motor dulu. Ada waktunya. ^^

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Still with The Inital

Actually, it's really surprising Jei, I come and see how you spend your day today. It's even more surprising to see your name on my mobile screen. You're still you. No change. You still use the same perfume, the same hairstyle, and has the same joke.
No matter how long it has been, we are still friend as we ever became a close friend. I'm just happy for this situation. Losing you as a friend is a big waste. 
So Jei, please be the same Jei when we meet another day.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Initial - Jei

Cerita ini berangkat dari kisah lima tahun yang lalu. Kisah yang benar-benar pendek untuk diceritakan ulang. Kisah yang menimbulkan tanda tanya bagi banyak orang tapi tidak untuk beberapa orang.

Bermula ketika gadis bertemu Jei, anak baru di kelas. Tidak ada hal yang menarik dengan diri Jei. Gadis hanya tetap duduk dibangkunya, tidak pun melirik. Suatu hari Jei yang penasaran menegur Gadis, “hei! Ngapain?”. Gadis yang saat itu tidak mengenal Jei hanya jawab sekenanya. Begitulah seterusnya hingga……

Guru wali kelas menyuruh kami mengambil buku ke perpus, disaat itu lah Jei membuat nama julukan untuk Gadis. Nama ini awalnya hanya digunakan Jei, tapi pada akhirnya digunakan oleh semua siswa di sekolah. Darisinilah kedekatan mereka terjalin. Dari satu bulan hingga satu tahun. Mereka benar-benar sehati.

Singkat cerita, saat mereka mulai masuk ke hubungan yg lebih special, ada sikap-sikap Jei yang berubah. Hal itu sangat mengganggu Gadis. Gadis tidak mengerti dimana yang salah. Hal itu membuat Gadis sedih, benar-benar sedih.

Dear Jei. I don’t even dare to say your name or even look at your eyes again. It hurts me until now. I don’t know why I can feel this way. Every time I meet you, my heart and the whole body start aching. Can you just tell me what should I do? Then I won’t feel anything in front of you.
 Oh Jei, If only you know what I have been through this past years. It was hard. The days could pass as if nothing happen on me, but not the day I met you. This is a reason why I can’t come when gathering is made. Why Jei? You walk the road happily. You pass the day smiley. You continue you life. It is great. I am happy for you Jei. Really and truly. Until now, I wonder why I become like this and how long it will take.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012