“As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You’ll have your heart broken and you’ll break others’ heart. You’ll fight with your best friends or maybe even fall in love with them, and you’ll cry because time is flying by.
So, take a lot of pictures, laugh a lot, forgive freely, and love like you’ve never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, and no second chances. You just have to live life the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone’s hand, comfort a friend in need, fall asleep watching the sun comes up, stay up late, and smile until your face hurts. Don’t be afraid to take chance or fall in love and most of all, LIVE THE MOMENT because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.”1
See, it doesn’t matter how much we laugh or how many times we do silly things, because we live in the moment, we create our memories. Sweet memory if I can add. Remember our conversation? Tentang keharusan mengurangi haha-hihi-gak-jelas? Good idea, but………………………………………..
Haha-hihi-gak-jelas itu perlu karena ketika nanti kita bertengkar (I really hope not) atau down abis, hal-hal yang seperti itu bakal jadi obat. Biarin aja dibilangin norak (do you, especially for Fe and Sri remember? Barata in Lebaran day?). We took some pics there – bener2 pengalaman pertamaku ber-pose disana. Biarin juga orang-orang bertanya-tanya kok kita betah ya duduk berjam-jam ngolor-ngidul (suer, rame lho yang nanyak!). Biarin aja orang-orang pada mikir kita tuh rame nyaingin orang2 sekompi? Hal-hal yang seperti itu bakal jadi obat.
It is our world, our happiness.
Ingat ya kapan-kapan bisa jadi OBAT. Kalau bukan sekarang, mungkin nanti. Dua tahun kedepan? Lima? Sepuluh? Atau lima belas tahun kedepan? (I wonder how old I will be, J).
Obat buat kesedihan, obat buat rasa kangen yang menggigit, obat buat rasa jenuh saat dihadapkan dengan banyak masalah. Atau obat buat sakit hati? Patah hati? J
I think yaaa, bisa aja mensejajarkan sikap penuh bijaksana dg sikap haha-hihi-gak-jelas (somebody, please makes this phrase shorter). Mungkin kita harus melihat siapa yang menjadi lawan bicara, atau ciptakan kesan manis saat bertemu orang baru? (kesan pertama pentingkan) Hmm, any other good idea guys??
At least, at this moment;
“Bernyanyilah seperti tidak ada orang yang mendengar.
Menarilah seakan tidak ada yang melihat, dan
Mencintailah seakan tidak ada yang membenci”2
Ndak perlu dipusingin burung-burung yang berkicau diluar sana (baca: orang2). Tiap orang menjalani hidup yang berbeda. Suatu hari kita pasti tertawa saat mengingat ‘this moment’. Bet me? The most important thing is that we live our life happily and catch our dream.
Again, it is our world, our happiness. ^_^
1 a short beautiful paragraph from Antologi Rasa, Ika Natassa
2 a quote from Mario Teguh